Congratulations! After having spent your evenings and weekends studying and having sat through an arduous 4 hour exam you are now a certified Project Manager, a PMP!!!
But is this certificaton for life? Unfortunately, the answer is NO. PMP certification is valid only for 3 years. OMG!!!
Now what? do i need to again retake this tough exam every 3 years? dont panic, there is an easy way out.
PMI needs us to earn 60 PDUs in every cycle (3 years) and maintain our PMP certification.
So now, its time to start earning PDUs.
PDU categories fall into two divisions—Education and Giving Back to the Profession—as illustrated here.
But is this certificaton for life? Unfortunately, the answer is NO. PMP certification is valid only for 3 years. OMG!!!
Now what? do i need to again retake this tough exam every 3 years? dont panic, there is an easy way out.
PMI needs us to earn 60 PDUs in every cycle (3 years) and maintain our PMP certification.
So now, its time to start earning PDUs.
PDU categories fall into two divisions—Education and Giving Back to the Profession—as illustrated here.
In this blog, i will help you in getting your 60 PDUs free of cost!!!
This is your One Stop Shop for PDUs - Absolutely free! free!free!
Prodevia Learning Inc.
Link :
PMI Provider No : 1945
Activity ID : 51003
This course will get you "5 Category A PDUs" and its free!!!
Six Sigma Certification - Aveta Business Institute
This course will give you an hindsight into what six sigma is all about. A good introductory course into Quality Process. You hit two birds with one stone - get PDUs and get Six sigma certified, Now, how about that.
Course : Six Sigma Certification - White Belt
This course will get you "5 Category B PDUs" and its free!!! Inc.
Enroll yourself in their site. There will be courses available for free.
Download these short courses and complete.
Fill out the course completion form online and earn your PDUs.
Link :
Provider No : 1637
There are a total of "7 Category A PDUs" for free!!!
Project Management BookStore
This is a fantastic site for you to listen to both live and recorded webinars. Just
register yourself on the site and get started.
If you are unable to watch live webinars, no problem, just listen to the recorded
ones and still get your PDUs.
There are a total of "28 Category C PDUs" for free!!!
Do Your Job
Don't do anything . Yes, you heard it right.
Just don't do anything - except your Job.
You can claim a total of 15 PDUs per CCR cycle or simply put, 5 PDUs per year for doing your project management job in office.
Its as simple as that.
Claim these "15 PDUs under Category F" for free!!!
So friends, hope this blog would have put a full stop to your search for free 60 PDUs.
Another 12 PDUs gift
Link :
12 hours/PDUs Category A (REP #1008)
Another 12 PDUs gift
Link :
12 hours/PDUs Category A (REP #1008)
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